Thursday, November 19, 2009

Command Climate Survey Feedback #3


After a brief delay, I continue to follow up on the command climate survey. Here is feedback on the third most frequently addressed subject that you commented on--IT.

IT issues were the third most prominent issue on your minds with 74 out of 628 comments (11.8%) on this subject. Of the 74 comments, 1 was positively-slanted, 72 were negatively-slanted, and 1 was neutral (general in nature and not specifically positive or negative). Copied below are some of your specific comments regarding this subject:

On the positive side:
1. "ACE-IT provides as best as they can within the limitations of the contract."

My thoughts: I think this comment is right on target. It is important to remember that we have some great ACE-IT employees here in Norfolk who want to be on a winning team and work to do their very best every day. I have personally witnessed their dedication, and I know they will be glad when systemic and contractual issues get resolved so their customers (us) are not only satisfied, but delighted.

On the negative side, two main common themes emerged:

ACE-IT Concerns (45 out of 72 negative comments or 62.5%):

1. "Get rid of ACE-IT. We tried it. It doesn't work. Need to cut our losses and go back to something that does work."
2. "I would like ACE-IT to disappear. I do more work on IT problems than I do my own job."
3. "ACE-IT is a costly disaster which does not provide even basic support, let alone in a timely manner."
4. "Get rid of ACE-IT and go back to in house expertise; was much more efficient."

Hardware/Software/Network Concerns (21 out of 72 negative comments or 29.2%):

1. "Network system/software is a constant source of frustration. On the majority of days, it provides me with less than average ability to accomplish my job in a timely manner. Since my position depends solely on the use of my computer, I find this unacceptable and a waste of good time which computes to government money."
2. "The computer system problems interfere with getting my job done on a regular basis."
3. "Add faster computers to Engineering, so that we can work in our 3D Revit Models with ease and without slow downs."
4. "Problems with scanning documents in-house has been a huge problem."

My thoughts: These messages have been communicated loud and clear, not only to me but also to our entire chain of command up to the USACE Deputy Commanding General (DCG).

I have had a number of conversations regarding the ACE-IT model and IT support with senior leaders around the Corps, including the DCG. As I have said in town halls and other forums, I know that ACE-IT performance issues are being taken very seriously. You may be interested to know that the leadership of ACE-IT was recently transferred to COL Gary Johnston, who is also the commander of USACE’s Engineering Research and Development Center (ERDC) in Vicksburg, MS.

I will certainly continue to communicate the issues you have raised to COL Johnston, and I will keep you informed of progress and updates as they are available. In the meantime, I appreciate your patience and cooperation as our national leaders work through these issues.

More to follow ...

My next message will cover your comments on training.

Building Strong!


Anonymous said...

COL Backus:

The Climate Survey Feedback#3 hasn't been posted. However, I would like to suggest another great way to establish or track customer feed back.

USACE employees should place in the signature box of their emails the ICE comment link, which can be provided by ACE-IT. ICE comments allow internal and external clients to rate and rank the customer service they have received.

The direct line supervisor will receive a copy of all comments and will be able to address them accordingly. This can also keep us reminded to provide excellent customer service both to our external customers as well as one another.

I believe that we miss the mark treating the internal clients with excellence.

COL Andrew W. Backus said...

Thank you for the suggestion concerning DoD's Interactive Customer Evaluation (ICE) system. We've noted the efforts made by the Louisville and Europe Districts in this area and are working to establish a Norfolk District presence on the ICE system. I'll ensure district employees, customers and stakeholders are aware the appropriate links once we've established our pages.